Monday, May 27, 2019

1 Peter 5:1-4 Qualities That Make A Successful Pastor

Warren Wiersbe says in his commentary that times of persecution demand that God's people have adequate spiritual leadership.  I certainly think these are times of persecution, and I'm so thankful for the man God has placed here for these times!  Wiersbe then went on to discuss the personal qualities that make for a successful pastor:

1)  A vital personal experience with Christ -- "Peter wrote these words, inspired by the Spirit of God, out of his own personal experience with Jesus Christ, and this made it possible for him to minister effectively to God's people.  The pastor of a local assembly must be a man who walks with God and who is growing in his spiritual life... constantly moving into new territories of study, achievement, and ministry."

2)  A loving concern for God's sheep -- "Their God-given responsibilities include feeding the flock, taking the oversight, and being an example to the flock."

3)  A desire to please Christ alone -- "The only reward we ought to strive for is the 'Well done!' of the Savior and the unfading crown of glory that goes with it ... We lead by serving and we serve by suffering.  This is the way Jesus did it, and this is the only way that truly glorifies Him."

Father, thank You for giving me  personal relationship with Christ when I'd almost walked away.  Help me not to let my concern for others wain, and continue to renew in me the desire to please Christ alone. 
Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford

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