For just five verses, my commentary produced THREE whole pages of information, saying these were some of the most difficult Bible verses to get Christians to agree on. It wasn't until I reached the last page that I felt God had something definite to show me. It's entitled "The Ministry of Christians Today."
Here are the main lessons it says Peter was showing:
1) "Christians must expect opposition. As the coming of Christ draws near, our well-doing will incite the anger and attacks of godless people.
2) Christians must serve God by faith and not trust in results. Jesus appeared a total failure when He died on the cross, yet His death was the supreme victory.
3) We can be encouraged because we are identified with Christ's victory. It is baptism of the Spirit that identifies us with Christ and this is pictured in water baptism.
4) Our baptism is important. It identifies us with Christ and gives witness that we have broken with the old life and will, by His help, live a new life. It is a pledge to God that we shall obey Him.
5) Jesus Christ is the only Savior, and the lost world needs to hear the Gospel. Hebrews 9:27 makes it clear that death ends the opportunity for salvation ... people are dying who have never even heard the good news of salvation, let alone had the opportunity to reject it." What we do believe should motivate us to want to share this.
Father, thank You for boiling it all down for me.
Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford
Gary Ford
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