Thursday, May 23, 2019

1 Peter 4:15-19 Handling Suffering

When we find ourselves suffering, my commentary says there are several questions to ask ourselves as we examine our lives:

1)  "Why am I suffering?  Have we broken the law or disobeyed God?  Christianity doesn't make us immune from the normal consequences of our misdeeds ... Let's be sure that we are suffering because we are Christians and not because we are criminals."

2)  "Am I ashamed, or glorifying Christ?  Jesus is not ashamed of us, though many times He surely could be!  The Father is not ashamed to be called our God.  On the cross, Jesus Christ despised shame for us, so surely we can bear reproach for Him and not be ashamed."

3)  "Am I seeking to win the lost?  Times of persecution are times of opportunity for a loving witness to those who persecute us."

We are also told to commit ourselves to God.  When we are suffering in the will of God, we can commit ourselves into the care of God.  Everything else we do as Christians depends on this ... We are valuable to God.  He made us, redeemed us, lives in us, and guards and protects us ... This commitment (from us) is not a single action but a constant attitude.  How do we do this? ... As we return good for evil and do good even though we suffer for it, we are committing ourselves to God so that He can care for us.  This commitment involves every area of our lives and every hour of our lives."

"Unsaved people have a present that is controlled by their past, but Christians have a present that is controlled by their future ... There is nothing for us to fear if we are suffering in the will of God.  Our faithful Father-Creator will victoriously see us through!"

Father, I trust You.  Carry me through the fiery trials and remind me not to ever give up on You.
Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford

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