Monday, May 20, 2019

1 Peter 4:13-14 Rejoice In Suffering

Not only are we to expect suffering.  Peter tells us we are to rejoice in suffering.  Four times in these two verses "joy" comes up!  "The world cannot understand how difficult circumstances can produce exceeding joy, because the world has never experienced the grace of God," my commentary explained.

Peter listed four privileges "that encourage us to rejoice in the middle of fiery trials:

1)  Our suffering means fellowship with God -- The fellowship of His suffering is a gift from God.  "Being treated by the world the way it treated Him is an honor.
2)  It means glory in the FUTURE -- the trial of our faith today is the assurance of glory when Jesus returns.
3)  Our suffering brings to us the ministry of the Holy Spirit -- suffering Christians do not have to wait for heaven in order to experience His glory.  Through the Holy Spirit, they can have the glory now.
4)  Our suffering enables us to glorify His name -- Our authority is in the name of Jesus, and Satan hates that name.  Every time we are reproached for the name of Christ, we have the opportunity to bring glory to that name.  The world may speak against His name, but we will so speak and live that His name will be honored and God will be pleased."

Father, continue to give me boldness to speak of Jesus and to rejoice as I suffer for Him, knowing I'm suffering with Him for Your glory.
Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford

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