My commentary says we also have to be watchful besides being humble, if we are to glorify God in difficult experiences. "One reason we have cares is because we have an enemy. Satan deceives and devours." Peter gave us instructions to help us get victory:
1) Respect Satan -- he is dangerous! Just as an electrician can work on a live wire carrying enough current to kill because he respects that current, we can do the same about Satan. "Satan has great power and intelligence, and a host of demons who assist him ... He is a formidable enemy. We must never joke about him, ignore him, or underestimate his ability."
2) Recognize him -- he is a great pretender. "Because he is a subtle foe, we must be vigilant and always on guard. His strategy is to counterfeit whatever God does ... He would deceive us were it not for the Word of God and the Spirit of God. The better we know God's Word, the keener our spiritual senses will be to detect Satan at work."
3) Resist him. "We take our stand on the Word of God and refuse to be moved."
"A word of caution here: never discuss things with Satan or his associates. Eve made that mistake, and we know what happened to her. Also, never try to fight Satan in your own way. Resist him the way Jesus did, with the Word of God. Never get the idea that you are the only one going through these battles, because 'your brothers that are in the world are facing the same trials.' We must pray for one another and encourage one another in the Lord. And we must remember that our personal victories will help others, just as their victories will help us."
Father, don't let me ever fall for the lie that Satan is stupid. He's smarter than I'll ever be and he's had millennia to work on all Christians, so he knows what he's doing. Keep me wary and wise. Don't let him make a fool out of me and cause me to make others think less of You.
Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford
Gary Ford