My commentary says that these verses apply to the present church age, not to the Jewish nation, because "in this section, the emphasis is on the Lord delaying His return," since that is what He's doing now -- delaying his return.
"In this section, He describes inward attitudes," it said, not outward events. "While everyone who has trusted Jesus Christ as Savior is going to heaven, not every believer is ready to meet the Lord."
When Christians are judged by Jesus in Heaven, it will not be our sins that are judged, because those have already been judged on the cross. "But He will judge our works and will give rewards to those who have earned them." Here He judges obedient vs disobedient servants. In Galatians and Ephesians, God's people on earth are called a household, and "God has put servants over each household to feed the members ... The purpose of spiritual leadership is that the leaders feed the people, not that the people feed the leaders! ... It is a serious thing to be a pastor or other officer in a local church. We must take care that our motives are right and that we serve Christ and His people in love ... The servant's task is not to be popular, but to be obedient. He must feed the family the food that it needs, when it needs it."
"If the spiritual leaders is obediently doing his job when the Lord returns, he shall be rewarded. But if that leader is not doing his job when the Lord returns, he will be dealt with in a severe way ... The whole picture is one of pain and loss. This does not suggest punitive measures at the judgment seat of Christ, because there we will have glorified bodies. But it does suggest loss of reward and loss of opportunity."
"What caused this servant's downfall? Something went wrong in his heart ... He mistreated his fellow servants. Whenever God's servants cannot work together, it is often because somebody has forgotten that the Lord will return ... That should motivate us to be faithful and loving."
Father, please help me to serve where You want and to serve as You taught us. Remind me often that service requires great responsibility.
Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford
Gary Ford
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