Monday, November 5, 2018

Matthew 22:41-46 A Personal Question

"Jesus had to take an indirect approach with His enemies.  He made this sound like another theological question, when in reality it was the most important personal question they would ever face," my commentary began.

"Whose Son is the Messiah?" Jesus asked.  "They knew the answer:  He is the Son of David.'  Once they had given this answer, He asked a second question .... quoting from Psalm 110:1 -- 'The Lord [Jehovah] said unto my Lord [Adonai], 'Sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool.'"

They knew this referred to Messiah.  "Only the Messiah could sit at the right hand of Jehovah God ... Nobody dared to question the accuracy or the authority of the text.  'If Messiah is David's Son, then how could Messiah also be David's Lord?'  There is only one answer to this question.  As God, Messiah is David's Lord; as man, He is David's Son.  He is both 'the root and the offspring of David' (Rev. 22:16).  Psalm 110:1 teaches the deity and humanity of Messiah.  He is David's Lord and He is David's Son."

Jewish scholars couldn't get their arms around this.  They wondered if there were two Messiahs.  And how could God's servant suffer and die?  (Guess they forgot about the prophets they'd killed.)  They couldn't put together human and divine.  "They dared not ask Jesus any more questions, not because they had believed the truth, but because they were afraid of the truth.  They didn't have courage to believe the truth and act on it.  We dare not make the same mistake today."  

So..... who do you say that Jesus is?

Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford

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