Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Matthew 23:37-39 Hard Truth And Ridiculous Grace

"Jesus spoke these words of lamentation as a sincere expressions of His love for Jerusalem, and His grief over the many opportunities for salvation that they had passed by," my commentary said.  "God could not force His salvation on the people; neither could He change the consequences of their stubborn rejection."

How incredibly sad it must have been to offer them so much and all they had to do was accept it and conform their lives to God!  Yet people today are just as blinded to the truth and react in the same manner, as if their very life and liberty would be taken away if they did!  Jesus was heartbroken for His own people, who would not accept Him as their Savior and Messiah.

Father, I marvel at Your patience and goodness, and as Tauren Wells puts it, "hard truth and ridiculous grace," combined to become Your love for us!  Thank You for pursuing me until I finally understood and gave in!  Do that for those I love as well, Father!
Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford

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