Friday, November 16, 2018

Matthew 24:15-44 The Middle and End of the Tribulation

Jesus packs a lot of information into these verses, drawing together things Daniel was shown centuries before and actually spanning a large part of Israel's history.  There's mention of seventy weeks, but my commentary said the Hebrew word for week means "a week of years" or 70 years, and also seventy sevens, meaning 490 years:

1)  "During 7 weeks (49 years) the city of Jerusalem would be rebuilt and worship reestablished.  (That happened in the Old Testament).
2)  After 63 weeks (434 years) Messiah would come to Jerusalem and die for the sins of the world.  That totals 483 years.  
3)  The prince will make an agreement with the Jews for one week (seven years) to protect them from their enemies.  (483 + 7 = 490)

The decree to rebuild Jerusalem was given in 445 BC by Cyrus ... There were exactly 482 prophetic years (of 360 days each) between the giving of the decree and the day that Jesus rode into Jerusalem as the King."

The remaining week of seven years was to take place after Jerusalem was destroyed (in 70 AD) and rebuilt.  (From Daniel 9:26)  "The prince that shall come is a name for the Antichrist and at some future date he will make his covenant with Israel and come to the city to permit them to rebuild the temple.  That's  when the final seven years will begin, according to my commentary.

Jesus goes on to talk about the middle and end of the Great Tribulation, which Christians now living will not have to endure, most Bible scholars say.

Father, I'm glad that You pursued me and save me by the sacrifice of Your Son, so that I won't have to worry about any of this ... Help those I love to also accept His sacrifice and join us with You there.
Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford

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