Monday, September 11, 2017

Ruth 4 -- God Still Writes The Last Chapter

My commentary entitled this chapter "Love Finds A Way".  It said, "The Book of Ruth opens with three funerals but closes with a wedding ... Not all of life's stories have this kind of happy ending; but this little book reminds us that, for the Christian, God still writes the last chapter.  We don't have to be afraid of the future."

The marks of the redeemer:  "Not everyone could perform the duties of a kinsman-redeemer.  To begin with, he had to be a near relative ... Boaz was a type of Christ ... He had to become related to us before He could redeem us.  He became flesh and blood so He could die for us on the cross."

"The kinsman-redeemer also had to be able to pay the redemption price.  Ruth and Naomi were too poor to redeem themselves, but Boaz had all the resources necessary to set them free.  When it comes to the redemption of sinners, nobody but Jesus Christ is rich enough to pay the price."

"There was a third qualification:  "The kinsman redeemer had to be willing to redeem ... The nearer kinsman had the money, but not the motivation.  He was afraid he would jeopardize his own family's inheritance."
My commentary described this as "the great transaction that would ultimately involve the coming of the Son of God into the world."  We never know what God will be up to regarding us!"

Ruth's baby, Obed, would bring blessing to Israel.  "Obed was the grandfather of King David ... The greatest privilege God gave him was that of being the ancestor of the Messiah.  David wanted to build a house for God, but God told him He would build a house (family) for David."

Father, help me to wait on You.  I know You directed me to Ukraine for good reasons.  I can't wait to see what You'll someday be doing with all that.

Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford

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