"All this came upon the king Nebuchadnezzar" because God's Word never fails to fulfill its purposes, my commentary said. "God graciously gave the king an entire year in which to heed His warning and repent of his sin, but the king refused to yield ... Because the sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil."
"We never know when God's voice will speak or His hand touch our lives ... God has every right to break into our lives and speak to us ... God is longsuffering with sinners, but when the time comes for Him to act, there is no delay."
"The first thing the king did was to praise the Lord ... Seven years before, the king considered himself a great man and his kingdom a great kingdom, but now he had a different viewpoint ... The king acknowledged the sovereignty of God ... No person is more free than the believer who surrenders to the sovereign will of God ... The heart of sinful man rebels at the very idea of a sovereign God, for the human heart wants to be free of all outside control. Sinners think they are free and don't realize how much they are in bondage to their fallen nature and to the forces of Satan and the world ... Most men quarrel with the sovereignty of God. But mark, the thing that you complain of in God is the very thing that you love in yourselves."
"The Most High God is so wise and powerful that He can ordain that His creatures have the freedom to make decisions and even disobey His revealed will, and yet He can accomplish His divine purposes on this earth."
Father, I'm so glad You finally broke through my stubbornness and helped me to realize the freedom that comes from Your Sovereignty!
Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford
Gary Ford
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