Thursday, September 21, 2017

Daniel 4:1-27 Setting Ourselves Up For Failure

King Nebuchadnezzar had another set of dreams later in life, and they troubled him so that he called Daniel to return and interpret them.  Daniel was stunned by the message yet still was faithful to deliver it.  The king had been prideful and sinned and hadn't repented despite the grace God had offered, so for 7 years he would lose his mind, living like an animal.  It happened just as God had described.  "The grand lesson God wanted the king to learn -- and that we must learn today -- is that God alone is sovereign and will not permit mortals to usurp His throne or take credit for His works ... When men and women refuse to submit themselves to God, as creatures made in His image, they are in grave danger of descending to the level of animals ... Men and women are made in the image of God, but when they leave God out of their lives and resist His will, they can descend to the level of animals."

Father God, please show those I love how close they are coming to having this happen, and pull them back from the brink with Your love.  Save their lives!
Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford

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