Thursday, February 19, 2015

Genesis 24 -- Four Elements

My commentary had a really interesting take on the story of finding Isaac a wife.  It noted four elements that are also involved in the marriage of Christ and His church:
                The will of the father
                The witness of the servant
                The willingness of the bride
                The welcome of the bridegroom

Some passages I particularly liked:
                “Just as Abraham wanted a bride for his son, so God the Father elected to provide a bride for His beloved Son.  Why?  The bride is the Father’s love gift to His Son.”

In speaking about Rebekah’s willingness to draw water for a stranger, his men, and his camels, I read, “Little did Rebekah know that doing a humble task for a stranger would make her the bride of a wealthy man who was in a covenant relationship with God … Make every occasion a great occasion, for you can never tell when someone may be taking your measure for a larger place.”

Regarding Rebekah’s decision not to wait 10 days, but to instead leave at once, I read, “What motivated Rebekah to make the right decision?  She heard the word about Isaac and believed it.  She saw the proof of his greatness, generosity, and wealth and wanted to belong to him for the rest of her life.  She had never seen Isaac, but what she had heard about him convinced her to go to Canaan with the servant.”

A really important quote: “We make our decisions and then our decisions turn around and make us.”

Father, thanks for this incredible picture.  Help me to use what I read today in my everyday life.  I want to be looking for where You are working and join You there.

Your Brother In Christ,

Gary Ford

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