Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Genesis 21 -- Four Messages In Isaac's Birth

Fulfillment of God’s Promise – God keeps His promises, in His own way, and in His own time.
The Rewarding of Patience – Trusting God’s promises not only gives you a blessing at the end, but it gives you a blessing while you are waiting.
The Revelation of God’s Power – Abraham and Sarah experienced God’s resurrection power in their lives because they yielded to Him and believed His Word.  Faith in God’s promises releases God’s power.
Accomplishing God’s Purpose – God gives you the power you need to do what He wants you to do.  No matter how long you may have to wait, you can trust God to accomplish His purposes.

My commentary also noted the conflict between Ishmael and Isaac, and compares it to the conflict between the flesh and the Spirit in our own lives.  It says that conflict will continue in our lives until we see the Lord.

One other thing I hadn’t thought about before reading Uncle Tom’s Cabin this year with my son – Isaac was born free while Ishmael was the son of a slave.  Being the son of the slave owner does not automatically make you free, because you are still the son of a slave.  My commentary says, “Christian freedom is the freedom to be and do all that God has for us in Jesus Christ.  No man in this world attains to freedom from any slavery (to sin) except by entrance into some higher servitude, and that higher servitude is personal surrender to Jesus Christ.  No one is more free than the child of God who delights in God’s will and does it from the heart.

Father, thank You for freeing me from the bondage of the guilt of sin, and for making me a servant to Your will.  Help me to readily obey and not to return to my old master.

Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford

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