Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Genesis 18 -- Interceding, Not Bargaining

Abraham was now 99 years old.  Resting in the heat of the day, he was surprised to see travelers approaching.  His desire to fulfill the Middle Eastern law of hospitality was evident.  With his wealth and servants, he could have arranged for others to take care of the guests, but then he might have missed out on the opportunity to commune with the Lord.  He hurried to get arrangements made and attended to his guests himself, and he was humble in his service.

The Lord and two angels had come from heaven, appearing as regular men, to personally deliver the news that Sarah would bear Abraham a son within a year.  Sarah heard and laughed at the impossibility, saying to herself, “My husband and I are too old.”  They were as good as dead and finally to a point where only God could take the credit for the pregnancy.  She even denied her unbelief when the Lord noted it.  When she lied and said, “I didn’t laugh,” the Lord said, “No.  You did laugh.”  Who are we to ever think we can pull one over on the all-knowing God?

Abraham then was privileged to hear the Lord’s deliberations regarding Sodom and Gomorrah, and he interceded on behalf of Lot and his family and the unsaved in these wicked cities.  While he may come across as a humble but shrewd Middle Eastern trader, God knew how many righteous people were in the cities, and it was less than Abraham’s final bargaining number.  God hadn’t lost any ground.

Often we worry that our prayers may be for nothing, but I loved a quote from Charles Spurgeon in my commentary:

“If they (lost sinners) will not hear you speak, they can’t prevent your praying.  Are they far away so that you can’t reach them?  Your prayers can reach them.  Have they declared that they will never listen to you again, no see your face?  Never mind, God has a voice which they must hear.  Speak to Him, and He will make them feel.  Though they now treat you despitefully, rendering evil for your good, follow them with your prayers.  Never let them perish for lack of your supplications.”

Father, don’t ever let me give up in praying for those I love.  Help me to remember that I may be one prayer away from Your decision to move.  Thank You for hearing my prayers and responding.

Your Brother In Christ,

Gary Ford

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