Thursday, October 23, 2014

Hosea 3 -- Buying Back Someone Who May Not Want To Be Bought Back

Hosea’s wife had run off and was living with another man.  Any other man wouldn’t want her back after such behavior, and he certainly wouldn’t pay money to get her back.  But that’s exactly what God told Hosea to do.  The townspeople would certainly take notice, and that’s what God intended.  This was another action sermon to grab their attention.

Remembering that we are like Gomer, we can see that God is showing His love in that, even in the depths of our unfaithfulness to Him, God bought us back – not at half the price of a slave, but at the exorbitant price of the death of His only Son.

God said that, like Hosea told Gomer, Israel would have to wait a long time for renewed intimacy with Him (they are still waiting today).

My commentary said the key word in this chapter is return.  “When Israel repents and returns to the Lord, then the Lord will return to bless Israel.”

Father, I remember how I’d been like Gomer.  I’d broken my fellowship with You, thinking that I knew better how to live my life.  But I was wrong.  You came looking for me despite my rebellion.  You initiated my return, and Your steadfast love, in spite of my actions, drew me back to You.  Thank You for having such love for me, Father!  Don’t let me ever slip away again!

Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford

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