Friday, October 3, 2014

Ecclesiastes 11-12 -- A Wrap-Up Of How To Live Life

I’m preparing for Dnow this weekend, and I’ll have 6th grade boys in my home.  I thought God’s timing was again incredible based on what I read during my quiet time today:

“Those of us who are older need to remember that God expects young people to act like young people.  The tragedy is that too many older people are trying to act like young people! … Young people who take care of their minds and bodies, avoid the destructive sins of the flesh, and build good habits of health and holiness have a better chance for happy adult years than those who “sow their wild oats” and pray for a crop failure!”

“We don’t own our lives, because life is a gift from God.  We are stewards of our lives, and one day we must give an account to God of what we have done with His gift… The fear of the Lord is that attitude of reverence and awe that His people show to Him because they love Him and respect His power and His greatness … An unholy fear makes people run away from God, but a holy fear brings them to their knees in loving submission to God.  The remarkable thing about fearing God is that, when you fear God, you fear nothing else; whereas, if you do not fear God, you fear everything else … God created life and He alone knows how it should be managed … When Solomon looked at life without God, everything was fragmented and he could see no pattern.  But when he looked at life from God’s point of view, everything came together into one whole.  If man wants to have wholeness, he must begin with God.”

Father, help me to impart Your wisdom to these young me this weekend.  Let them see in my life what You want them to do with theirs.  Show them the importance of living life in You and with You.

Your Brother In Christ,

Gary Ford

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