Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Hosea 2 -- God's Love Doesn't Minimize His Holiness

This new way of looking at Hosea’s words – seeing myself as the unfaithful wife – really gets serious here.  My commentary says that though Hosea speaks so much about God’s love, he doesn’t minimize the holiness of God.  He doesn’t condone sin and pamper sinners in His love.

Hosea saw several areas where God wouldn’t let things slide:

If the people acted like prostitutes with whatever had become an idol in their lives, God promised to treat them like prostitutes, shaming them publicly.  “Unfaithfulness to the Lord is a serious sin, just as unfaithfulness to one’s mate is a serious sin.  The man who says he’s 90% faithful to his wife isn’t faithful at all.”

“One of the first steps toward rebellion against God is a refusal to give God thanks for His mercies.  God will not allow us to enjoy His gifts and at the same time ignore the Giver, for this is the essence of idolatry.”

“How easy it is to attend divine services and go through the motions of worshiping God when our hearts are really far from Him … One of the greatest judgments God can inflict on any people is to let them have their own way.  God is holy and will not permit His people to enjoy sin for long or to live on substitutes.”

God promises His love to His people here by saying:

“I will allure …”  He woos us to Him.  He never forces.
“I will give …”  He’ll take defeat and shame and turn it into victory and glory.
“I will take away…”  He’ll end idolatry among His people.
“I will betroth …” He’ll enter into a covenant relationship with each of us.
“I will respond …”  He’ll send His rich blessings.
“I will plant …”  He’ll sow His people where He wants them to be.

Wow, Father!  I’m so thankful that You wooed me back.  Thank You for giving me victory and for taking away idolatry in my life.  Keep doing that as You see it rearing its ugly head!  Thank You for making an eternal covenant with me and for blessing me.  Plant me where You want me to bless others.

Your Brother In Christ,

Gary Ford

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