Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Proverbs 9-11 What Solomon Was Getting Wrong?

These words of Solomon have bothered me in the past, for many of them speak of the theology that the Jewish people believed before Christ showed us the true theology – that good actions resulted in blessings always and evil actions always ended in punishment or ruin.  This really stood out after having just finished reading Job.  At least in this world, that theology is not always the case, as Job proved.  For instance, “A hard worker will become rich.”  Possibly.  But often not.  Rich maybe in character, but often not in money.


So I wondered why God would have wanted some of these pithy little worldly thoughts left in the Bible.  Today God seems to be telling me that while knowledge and wisdom are good, they are certainly not the end-all, be-all of existence, and Solomon got so puffed up with his knowledge and wisdom that he ended up walking away from God near the end of his life!


God seemed to reinforce that by again saying in chapter 9:  “Wisdom begins with respect for the Lord, and understanding begins with knowing the Holy One.”  However, the wise person must never take his sights off of these goals, or else he will end up like Solomon.


In the sidebars for these chapters, I read some important stuff:  “Where we perceive ourselves to be the strongest is where we’re least likely to be prepared for a battle that isn’t psychological or emotional.  It’s spiritual!  Let no person ever say, ‘I can’t be taken.’  Or as Paul wrote, ‘So if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall.’”


From chapter 10:  “He who dares to call himself God’s ambassador is not afforded the luxury of idle words … We have an added responsibility to guard our tongues.”


And from chapter 11:  “What others say cannot be the measure of what is ethical, moral, or right, even if it is legal.  The view of the majority is not necessarily the view of God.”  Verse 14 of that chapter says, “Without leadership a nation fails.”


Father, all the wisdom of every human who ever lived and who are now living pale in comparison to Your wisdom.  We desperately need it right now.  Please be God for our nation despite our government, and I pray that You have set us on a path that will lead us back to You and that will help the world to know You as God.


Your Brother In Christ,

Gary Ford

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