Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Jeremiah 2 -- Trading Springs For Cisterns

God uses the most precious natural resource any nation in the Middle East had at that time (pure flowing water) to describe how Judah had come to rely on themselves and not on Him:


“My people have done two evils:  They have turned away from Me, the spring of living water.  And they have dug their own cisterns, which are broken wells that cannot hold water.”


They were trying to supplement a natural water supply – a fresh flowing spring – with a cracked, muddy cistern, which was trying to capture vainly what the world has.  I’d taken notes from somewhere and written here that, “We’ve knelt at the cisterns of skill, self, etc, rather than at the spring of Jesus Christ.”  As a result, they’d once again allowed themselves to become enslaved.  “Haven’t you brought this on yourselves by turning away from the Lord your God when He was leading you in the right way?”


My commentary said, “The greatest judgment God can send to disobedient people is to let them have their own way and reap the sad, painful consequences of their sin… They had sinful hearts because they had stubborn hearts – hearts that refused to listen to God’s servant and obey God’s Word.”


Saying “we are free to wander,” they thought they’d found liberty, even from God, yet in doing so they’d enslaved themselves to the point of their own destruction.


Father, Satan whispers to all of us, trying to get us to buy the lie that we do not have liberty under Your reign in our lives.  He tries to make us feel cheated by You – the One who gives us every blessing if we only obey.  Help me not to listen to the lies.  Expose him for the cheat that he is.  Don’t let me settle for anything less than Your best for me.


Your Brother In Christ,

Gary Ford

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