Monday, October 24, 2011

Genesis 14 & 15 That One Star!

God had blessed and protected Abram, despite Abram’s sins, yet Abram expressed nagging doubt about one thing – he wanted a son.  He doubted that he would ever be a father, and there would be no one to pass his legacy on to.  Without a son, Abram felt that everything else God had given him was worthless in the eyes of eternity.  God said, “You will have a son of your own.  He led him outside to the stars and said that his descendants would eventually be as impossible to count as the stars!  One of those stars had even been lit for me and one for each of my sons!

Verse 6 says:  “Abram believed the Lord.  And the Lord accepted Abram’s faith, and that faith made him right with God.”

God has also promised him that he’d own the Promised Land.  Although it seems Abram had firmly established his trust in God about his future son, for some reason he still doubted the promise about the land, it seems.  Out of a terrible darkness came fire and smoke, and it passed through the sacrificed halves of animals as a covenant between God and Abram, promising that one day (still future!) Abram and his descendants would own the land between the Nile and the Euphrates.  God is a Promisekeeper and I want to see this promise fulfilled just as Abram did.  As to the promise of a son, God’s promise has been fulfilled for both Abram and myself.  Just as I was feeling all was lost – that I would have no one to pass my heritage of faith down to, God picked me up and pointed me to Russia.  There He showed me a sign pointing to Kyiv, Ukraine.  He probably smiled as I missed the reference entirely that day, knowing I would look back on the photo I’d taken of that sign pointing me the “right” way.  God is faithful, and my two sons prove it.

Help me to never doubt Your promises, Father.  I can always take them to the bank!  Continue to watch over and bless us and keep us faithful to You.

Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford

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