Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Genesis 10 & 11 -- What Are YOU Building?

God has commanded them to cover the earth.  He wanted man, created in His image, to spread His image worldwide.  But man was defiant and full of pride.  Instead of scattering, they congregated.  Instead of worshiping God, they worshiped their own intellect, and they began to build a monument to that intellect – the Tower of Babel.

They had ambition, described by Max Lucado as “that grit in the soul which creates disenchantment with the ordinary and puts the dare into dreams.”  Their ambition went unchecked.  It became blind ambition.  Max said, “God won’t tolerate it … With one sweep He painted the tower gray with confusion and sent workers babbling in all directions.  He took man’s greatest achievement and blew it into the winds like a child blows a dandelion.”  And he asked, “Are you building any towers?  Wealth?  Success?  Recognition?  Focus on what God wants you to build.  Simplify your life.  Surrender your desires to Him.  Let Him guide your efforts.”

Father, please tell me if you see towers in my life that I shouldn’t be building – towers that are drawing me away from You and Your will for my life.  Draw me away from them and draw me close to You.

Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford

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