Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Genesis 1 -- A New Look At The Beginning

I always love seeing God’s sovereignty beaming out in this chapter!  Over and over again we read, “God said … And it happened.”  There wasn’t a molecule or atom that was about to say no to Him.

I also love what’s left unsaid in this chapter.  For instance, God came up with the idea of grains with seeds exposed and fruits with seeds inside.  Not just one type of plant life, but two.  He didn’t start them in just one place and have them spread out from there on wind or water either.  The earth in its original creation form, uncorrupted by sin, produced plants and trees effortlessly.

Then God made the sun, moon, and stars.  His glory had been the primary source of light until that time.

It also appears that He filled the sea with creatures and the air with birds in an instant.  Again, it doesn’t sound like He created just two and they branched out from there.

He did the same with the land animals – “Let the earth be filled … and it happened.”  In one day.

I hadn’t thought about how that could play out with the creation of humans.  We always assume that verse 27 meant two:  “So God created human beings in His image … He created them male and female.  God blessed them and said, “Have many children and grow in number.  Fill the earth …”  I’ve never read any commentary that suggested multiple sets of males and females all over the world at once.

Also, God said, “Look, I have given you all the plants that have grain for seeds and all the trees whose fruits have seeds in them.  They will be food for you.”  Evidently, there were no poisonous foods in these two types of plants when the earth was created, since they were all available for food.

What an amazing place this world must have been – no thorns, no stickers, goatheads, careless weeds.  All lovingly created by God.  What a shame that our desire to be like Him would morph into selfishness and would corrupt all of creation.

Father, help me to remember how much You love us – creating heaven on earth for us out of nothing.  Yet remind me also of how quickly we can ruin what You do in love when we choose to sin.

Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford

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