Friday, June 10, 2011

Isaiah 29 -- Lots In There Just For Me

Though it appears that much of this news from God was directed towards the Jewish remnant, I find lots in here that speaks to me directly.

In v. 2, “I will attack Jerusalem … it will be like an altar to Me.”  That tells me that we can choose to bow down to God at an altar or He will use us for an altar.

In v.13, the Lord says, “These people say they love Me; they show honor to Me with words, but their hearts are far from Me.  The honor they show Me is nothing but human rules.”  God looks at our hearts.  He knows our motivations.  If He sees that what we’re doing doesn’t match what we’re thinking, then He’ll call our hand on it.  He can’t be fooled or mocked.  And if we are simply going through the motions and not fully engaged, He knows it and He doesn’t honor it.

He follows all that with verse 15:  “How terrible it will be for those who try to hide things from the Lord and who do their work in darkness.  They think no one will see them or know what they do.  You are confused … You think the clay is equal to the potter … This is like a pot telling its maker, “You don’t know anything!”

Oh, how our human pride and hubris lead us to dare to believe that we know better than God what we need!

Finally, God said this about the believing remnant:  “When they see all their children, the children I made with My hands, they will say My name is holy.  They will agree that the Holy One of Jacob is holy, and they will respect the God of Israel.”

Father, I thank You for calling me out any time my motives do not match my actions.  Thank You for revealing to me that You know my heart.  Thanks for reminding me that saying I love You is one thing.  But having a heart that beats for You is quite another.  And thank You that, when I look upon my boys, the children You made with Your own hands just for me, I still am filled with awe and amazement, causing me to worship You for all You do for me!

Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford

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