Thursday, December 16, 2010

Exodus 7 & 8 -- Exactly What IS Grace For?

The sidebar in my Bible today, from Knowing God by J.I. Packer, was speaking of grace, and for a moment I wondered where there was any grace showing up in these two chapters about the plagues on Egypt.  J.I. Packer said, “What is the purpose of grace?  Primarily, to restore man’s relationship with God … This is what all the work of grace aims at – an ever deeper knowledge of God, and an ever closer fellowship with Him.”  Packer also mentions that God doesn’t give grace by shielding us from assault, but instead “by exposing us to all these things, so as to overwhelm us with a sense of our inadequacy, and to drive us to cling to him more closely.”  God was attempting to give grace to Pharaoh and the Egyptian people, if only they would accept it, but despite all those plagues, they didn’t want grace.  They didn’t want to draw closer to Him – they simply wanted relief from punishment.

My youngest son, when facing the loss of all of his “electronics” for a period due to some disobedience, will often come and ask for grace.  After reading Packer’s words, I think my son isn’t really seeking a deeper relationship with me in doing so.  He simply wants relief, too, just like the Egyptians. 

So DID grace show up in these chapters?  I think so.  In 7:18 when all the waters in Egypt had been turned to blood, it specifically says that the Egyptians weren’t able to drink it.  It doesn’t say that none of the people couldn’t.  And in 8:22, God even says, “But I will not treat the Israelites the same as the Egyptian people.  There will not be any flies … where My people live.”

Father, when I ask for grace from You, remind me of this lesson – that You permit the circumstances in order to draw me closer to You.  Your purpose is to overwhelm me with a sense of my inadequacy and to drive me to cling to You more closely.  And that’s what I need You to do.

Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford

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