Thursday, November 14, 2019

John 19: 17-31 His Crucifixion and Death

My commentary made note of some important facts surrounding Jesus' crucifixion and death.  "The bearing of the cross was a mark of guilt, and Jesus was not guilty ... Pilate wrote:  'This is Jesus of Nazareth the King of the Jews.'  The chief priests protested the title, but Pilate refused to change it.  It was his final thrust against the Jewish religious establishment.  He knew that the priests and elders envied Jesus and wanted to destroy Him.  A shrewd politician like Pilate well understood the workings of the Jewish religious establishment.  He knew that his placard would insult and embarrass them, and that is exactly what he wanted."

"Mary was experiencing the sword that had been predicted years before (Luke 2:35)" as she watched her son die on the cross.  "Her silence is significant, for if anyone could have rescued Jesus, it was His mother.  All she had to do was announce that His claims were false -- but she said nothing!  What a testimony to the deity of Christ!"

"Jesus' death was not an accident; it was a divine appointment.  He was not murdered in the strictest sense:  He willingly gave His life for us.  His death was an atonement, not just an example.  He actually accomplished the work of redemption on the cross."

Father, despite everything these people did to trip up Your Son, You were totally in control.  I cherish Your sovereignty and power and I am so glad You are in control of my life.
Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford

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