Tuesday, November 5, 2019

John 18:15-27 The Fire

My commentary said that in these verses fire is a symbol of denial.  "Peter followed the crowd when he should have been fleeing.  Had he gone his way, he would never have denied the Lord ... he walked right into temptation.  This is what Jesus had warned him about in the garden."

As Psalm 1:1 mentioned, my commentary concluded, "First, Peter walked in the counsel of the ungodly when he ... went into the high priest's courtyard.  Then he stood with the enemy by the fire, and before long he sat with the enemy."  Three times he was asked if he was one of Jesus' disciples and three times he said no.

Amazingly, "the crowing of the cock was assurance to Peter that Jesus was totally in control of the situation, even though He was bound and being harassed by the authorities.  By controlling one bird, Jesus affirmed His sovereignty," my commentary explained.

Father, though I'd read this before, it didn't hit me like it does now.  I'm blown away by the fact that Jesus was enduring everything the authorities did to Him and still was well aware of what Peter was doing outside and that He caused the cock to crow at just the right moment!  Help me to be assured that You are in control of my own life to that degree!
Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford

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