Thursday, March 21, 2019

Exodus 26-27 Just A Reminder

Through Moses, God gave them instructions for turning the jewels, jewelry, and valuables that He'd caused the Egyptians to give them into a movable worship center.  The details for constructing it are given to us, but we as Christians are not called to make animal and crop sacrifices.  We have no need for a screen to hold burning wood, or pans to remove the ashes.  God sent His Son as the perfect sacrifice, not just to cover our sins, but to remove them completely and take them upon Himself.  He would experience the dirtiness of our sins in His sinless body and mind and accept God's wrath as the punishment for our sins.

We don't need heavy four-layer curtains to separate God from us because He cannot abide our sin, for in His eyes, when He looks at us, He sees His perfect Son, who advocates for us with the father.

Thank You that we do not have to bear the burden of keeping up all of the stands and frames and curtains and other items You detailed here.  But thank You more for the incredible sacrifice You made when You gave up Your only Son for our sins.  I love You!

Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford

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