Friday, March 1, 2019

Exodus 20:18-26 A Problem Of The Heart

God further clarified through Moses the rules of society that will produce righteousness and justice.  My commentary said, "These laws were not arbitrary; they're based on the character of god and the unchanging moral principles expressed in the Ten Commandments.  Law is powerless to change human nature; it can only protect life and property by regulating human behavior."

"As a case in point, it mentioned the events that occurred in the tribes while Moses went back on the mountain to receive more instructions from God:  "In spite of their enthusiastic promises, Israel quickly disobeyed these commandments.  While Moses was with God on the mountain, the people made a golden calf and engaged in an idolatrous orgy that led to the death of 3,000 men.  Anything in religious liturgy that encourages the sensual instead of the spiritual cannot be from God or be blessed by God."

Father, it's so crazy that our sin nature causes us to want to go around whatever law we are given.  Please continue to change my heart to conform to Yours.
Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford

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