Thursday, September 20, 2018

Matthew 18: 15-20 The Second Essential for Unity And Harmony

Jesus' second essential for unity and harmony was honesty.  Sometimes, my commentary says, we offend others and hurt them, either deliberately or unconsciously.  These times could probably be included in the "sins of ignorance" of Numbers 15:22.  In Psalms 19:12, David had prayed to be delivered from "secret faults", meaning "faults that are even hidden from my own eyes."  When another Christian sins against us, or causes us to stumble, Jesus gives us here several instructions.

#1  "Keep the matter private.  Approach the person who sinned and speak with him alone.  It's possible that he does not even realize what he has done.  Or, even if he did it deliberately, your own attitude of submission and love will help him to repent and apologize.  Above all else, go to him with the idea of winning your brother, not winning an argument."

#2  "Ask for help from others.  If the offender refuses to make things right, then we may feel free to share the burden with one or two dependable believers.  Share the facts (as we see them) and ask for prayerful counsel.  It may be that we are wrong.  If warranted, then go to the offender and try once again to win him ... When sin isn't dealt with honestly, it always spreads."

#3  "Ask the church for help.  What started as a private problem between two people is now out in the open for all to see ... Just as children in the home need discipline, so God's children in the church need discipline.  If by the time the matter comes to the whole church, the offender has not yet changed his mind and repented, then he must be disciplined.  He cannot be treated as a spiritual brother, for he has forfeited that position."

#4  Keep the local church spiritual.  It is important that the local assembly be at its best spiritually before it seeks to discipline a member ... It is actually examining itself and disciplining itself ... We cannot disciple others if we ourselves are not disciplined."

"Keep in mind that humility must come before honesty.  A proud Christian cannot speak the truth in love."

Father, please help me and my Christian brothers and sisters to be in Your will so we will not have to go through this.  But if we do, please guide and direct all of us to hear Your voice.
Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford

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