Friday, September 7, 2018

Matthew 17: 1-13 The Transfiguration

"The Transfiguration revealed four aspects of the glory of Jesus Christ the King," my commentary said.  

First was the glory of His person.  When Jesus left Heaven to come to earth as a man, He willingly hid His glory.  "As far as the record is concerned, this is the only time Jesus revealed His glory in this way while He was on the earth ... Our Lord's glory was not reflected but radiated from within.  There was a change on the outside that came from within as He allowed His essential glory to shine forth."

The glory of His kingdom:  "One day when Jesus returns to this earth, there will be a glorious kingdom for 1,000 years with Jesus Christ reigning as King.  Those who have trusted Him shall reign on the earth with Him," my commentary said.

The glory of His cross:  "The disciples had to learn that suffering and glory go together.  Peter had opposed His going to Jerusalem to die, so Jesus had to teach him that, apart from His suffering and death, there could be no glory."

The glory of His submission:  "Peter couldn't understand why the Son of God would submit to evil men and willingly suffer.  The Transfiguration was God's way of teaching Peter that Jesus is glorified when we deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow Him ... Jesus proved to the disciples that surrender always leads to glory.  First the suffering, then the glory; first the cross, then the crown," my commentary said.

Father, I am so thankful that we have these verses to show us how Your ways are higher than our ways.  What is madness to the world fits exactly into Your plans.
Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford

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