Monday, August 13, 2018

Matthew 13:1-23 The First Of Seven Interrelated Parables

Jesus started a series of seven interrelated parables, then added an eighth, my commentary began, with which he explained the course of the gospel in the world.  He said that many would not understand, but "Jesus did not teach in parables to confuse or condemn the people.  Rather, He sought to excite their interest and arouse their curiosity."

The same message delivered to many people will produce differing results, based on the condition of their hearts.

Sometimes we forget to do the math, and here's something I hadn't taken into account:  "It is shocking to realize that three-fourths of the seed did not bear fruit.  Jesus did not describe an age of great harvest, but one in which the Word would be rejected ... He knew that most of the people would not receive His Word within and bear fruit."

We think of the sun as essential for crops, but "in the parable, the sun represents persecution that comes because of the Word.  Persecution helps believers grow.  But the sunshine will kill a plant with no roots.  This explains why some believers do not last.  Their faith was weak, their understanding was meager, and their decision was not sincere.  It is possible to believe and yet not be saved (John 2:23-25).  Unless there is fruit in the life, there is not saving faith in the heart."

Father, show me through these upcoming parables more about my own faith and the fruit that I should produce.  And thank You for showing me that persecution helps us grow in You.
Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford

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