Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Matthew 10:1-23 Two of Three Intended Audiences

My commentary made a distinction about this chapter that I think is important.  Verses 1-15, it says, were instructions for PAST disciples; verses 16-23 were instructions for future disciples; and verses 24-42 were instructions for present disciples.  (The timeframe for past, present, and future is directed toward us.)

The group of past disciples -- the apostles -- had certain qualifications that no one can claim today:
   1)  They must have seen the risen Christ.
   2)  They must have fellowshipped with Him
   3)  They had to be chosen by Him.
   4)  They were given special power and authority from Christ to perform miracles.

My commentary also mentioned, "Christ's commission to these twelve men is not our commission today.  He sent them only to the people of Israel ... The Lord's commission to us includes all the world ... While we may learn from the spiritual principles in these verses, we should not apply these instructions to our lives ... Our message is 'Christ died for our sins', and not 'The kingdom of heaven is at hand.'  The King has come; He has already  suffered, died, and risen from the dead."

The next verses (16-23) have a different atmosphere, it says.  "Jesus spoke of persecution, but we have no record that the Twelve suffered during their tour.  Jesus also spoke of ministry to the Gentiles.  The Holy Spirit had not been given, yet Jesus talked about the Spirit speaking in them ... Worldwide persecution is indicated, yet the apostles were ministering only in their own land.  Matthew 10:23 speaks about the return of the Lord, which certainly moves those events into the future."  My commentary believes these verses apply to the Tribulation period.  Verses 24-42 coming up will be instructions for us, it says.

Father, I know there are those today who try to claim powers and authorities that the apostles had.  That can be very confusing to all believers.  Help us to sort this all out and to know Your truth.
Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford

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