My commentary says not everyone is a sheep, so we must exercise discernment to avoid wolves. "We are privileged to handle the holy things of the Lord ... the precious truths of the Word of God, and we must regard them carefully ... we must not cheapen the gospel by a ministry that lacks discernment ... The reason for judgment, then, is not that we might condemn others, but that we might be able to minister to them."
First, "we must pray and seek His wisdom and direction ... we must keep on asking God, keep on seeking His will, keep on knocking at the door that leads to greater ministry."
The Golden Rule appears here, and my commentary says it's one of the most misunderstood statements in the Bible. "It doesn't sum up Christian truth. It applies only to believers and it must be practiced in every area of life. The person who practices the Golden Rule refuses to say or do anything that would harm himself or others ... Practicing the Golden Rule means paying a price. If we want God's best for ourselves and others, but others resist God's will, then they will oppose us."
Jesus mentioned two ways. "We can walk on the broad way and keep our baggage of sin and worldliness. But if we enter the narrow way, we must give up those things." He mentioned two trees. "True faith in Christ changes the life and produces fruit for God's glory."
My commentary mentions two tests: "Did your profession of faith in Christ cost you anything? If not, then it was not a true profession ... Did my decision for Christ change my life?"
Jesus also shows us important things about God's judgment of us. "The final test is not what we think of ourselves, or what others may think. The final test is: What will GOD say ... Obedience to His will is the test of true faith in Christ ... Words are not a substitute for obedience, and neither are religious works ... We are to hear God's words and do them ... Our hearing must result in doing ... Profession will ultimately be tested before God. Those who have trusted Christ, and have proved their faith by their obedience, will have nothing to fear."
Father, thank You for showing me the importance of obedience -- not to religious ritual, but to Your personal commands to me. Thank You for giving me the courage to obey and the willingness to continue despite the cost. Thank You for helping me to trust You with a faith You've built to last "not only in the storms of life, but also in the final judgment."
Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford
Gary Ford
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