My commentary said roughly 30 years passed between chapters 2 and 3. They were the hidden years in Nazareth when Jesus grew from a boy to a man. "Was He still qualified to be King? Had anything taken place that would disqualify Him?" my commentary asked. Matthew gives us witnesses who proved that the answers to those questions were "No!".
It's so easy for me to recall their own upbringings and their own failures and wonder how Jesus made it through those turbulent years without sin. But we have to remember that He had simply changed His location from the throne room of Heaven to earth. He had already existed since eternity and He carried that knowledge with Him into His human form.
Why was Jesus baptized? My commentary said John's baptism "was authorized from heaven ... it was a baptism of repentance looking forward to the Messiah's coming ... Jesus was not baptized because He was a repentant sinner. Even John tried to stop Jesus, but the Lord knew it was His Father's will. Why was Jesus baptized? First, His baptism gave approval to John's ministry. Second, He identified Himself with publicans and sinners, the very people He came to save. But mainly, His baptism pictured His future baptism on the cross when all the waves and billows of God's judgment would go over Him. Thus, John the Baptish bore witness to Jesus Christ as the Son of God and also as the Lamb of God."
"The coming of the Holy Spirit like a dove identified Jesus to John, and also assured Jesus as He began His ministry that the Spirit's ministry would always be His."
God the Father also spoke from Heaven and His statement "also relates Jesus Christ to the Suffering Servant prophesied In Isaiah 40-53 ... Finally, the Father's statement approved all that Jesus had done up to that point. His hidden years in Nazareth were years of pleasing the Father."
Father, I apologize again that my years growing up do not meet Your same approval. Thank You for the forgiveness You've given me. Help me to grow in Christ and strive to be more like Him every day.
Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford
Gary Ford
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