Friday, October 27, 2017

Romans 5:1-11 Seven Spiritual Blessings

Paul listed seven spiritual blessings that assure us that we cannot be lost once we are saved, my commentary said.

Peace with God - "The unsaved person is at enmity with God because he cannot obey God's law or fulfill God's will.  Condemnation means that God declares us sinners, which is a declaration of war.  Justification declares us righteous which is a declaration of peace."

Access to God - "When Jesus died, He tore the veil and broke down the wall ... Justification has to do with our standing; sanctification has to do with our state.  The child of a king can enter his father's presence no matter how the child looks."

Glorious hope - "Peace with God takes care of our past; He will no longer hold our sins against us.  Access to God takes care of the present -- we can come to Him at any time for the help we need.  Hope of the glory of God takes care of the future;  one day we shall share in His glory."

Christian character - "Justification is no escape from the trials of life ... But for the believer, trails work for him and not against him ... trials bring us closer to the Lord and make us more like the Lord.  Suffering builds Christian character."

God's love within - "As we wait for this hope to be fulfilled, the love of God is poured out into our hearts ... It is the inner experience of this love through the Spirit that sustains us as we go through tribulations."

Salvation from future wrath - "God saved us when we were enemies ... He will keep on saving us now that we are His children.  There is a wrath to come, but no true believer will experience it."

Reconciliation with God - "Paul explained how men declared war on God, and because of this, deserved to be condemned eternally.  But God did not declare war on man.  Instead, He sent His Son as the Peacemaker, that men might be reconciled to God (Eph. 2:11-18)."

Father, thank You for these spiritual blessings which I in no way deserve, but which You have given to me as Your child.  I love You!
Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford

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