Saturday, October 7, 2017

Daniel 10 -- Hearing THIS From God!

One thing I can't get over is reading this over and over:  "Daniel, God loves you very much," -- because God has let me know that He says the same thing to me and to all of His children -- even those who are running away from Him and want nothing to do with Him.  It's just really unfortunate that often Satan stops up our ears.

Daniel was shown another vision.  The men around him knew something was happening, but they couldn't see it, and they ran away in fear.  Daniel lost his strength, went pale, and fell into a deep sleep.  It's only then that he hears it again... "Daniel, God loves you very much.  Stand up, because I have sent you ... Some time ago, you decided to get understanding and to humble yourself before Your God.  Since that time God has listened to you."

In other words, once he decided to get understanding and humble himself, God started listening to his prayers.  It was scary for Daniel.  He even said, "Master, how can I, Your servant, talk to You?  My strength is gone and it is hard for me to breathe!"  That's perhaps a very appropriate response when we are in God's very presence.

Father, I sensed Your presence strongly last night.  Please continue to move among the young men at my home for Disciple Now.  Move big, Father.  Let them encounter You as Daniel did.  Let them hear You say, "I love you."

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