Monday, November 14, 2016

Ephesians 3:1-13 Revealing The Mystery

Paul was sharing the new thing God was doing.  He called it a mystery because God had chosen not to reveal it in the Old Testament, and had now let believers know about it.  Believing Jews and Gentiles would be united in Christ.  "God has different ways of managing His program from age to age, and these different stewardships Bible students sometimes call dispensations.  God's principles do not change, but His methods of dealing with mankind do change over the course of history," my commentary said.

This new secret was important to the Gentiles, it said.  "They are fellow heirs with the Jews and share in the spiritual riches God gave them because of His covenant with Abraham ... The Gentiles are also fellow-members of the body of Christ, the church ... Finally, in their new relationship, the Gentiles are partakers of God's promises ... The church today shares in the spiritual riches of Israel, but one day God will restore His people and fulfill His promises concerning their land and their kingdom."

And new power is available to Gentiles, too.  God gave us a stewardship and the power to accomplish this ministry ... The mighty resurrection power of Christ is available to us for daily life and service!

My commentary also discussed how, one by one, many of the basic truths of the Word of God were lost during the intervening centuries ... "Many of the great truths of the Word were buried under man-made theology, tradition, and ritual ... Then, God's Spirit began to open the eyes of seeking souls, and these great truths were unveiled again."

"The reason many churches are weak and ineffective is because they do not understand what they have in Christ.  And the cause of this is often spiritual leaders who are not good stewards of the mystery.  Because they do not rightly divide the word of truth, they confuse the people concerning their spiritual condition in Christ, and they rob their people of the spiritual wealth in Christ ... When you know what God is doing in the world, and you work with Him, you can be sure that He will work in you and for you.  All of His divine resources are available to those who sincerely want to do His will and help him accomplish His purposes on earth."

"Our blessings are spiritual, not material; they have all been given to us completely in Christ.  We appropriate then by faith, but if we disobey God He does not revoke them.  We simply lose the enjoyment and the enrichment of them."

Father, help me to make Your plan my plan.  Don't let me try to hijack what You are doing.  Show me what You would have me to do and help me to obey You in doing just that!

Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford

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