Monday, November 7, 2016

Ephesians 1:5-14 Adopted and Accepted

In the last set of verses, I'd read how God had chosen us.  Verse 5 ells how He also adopted us.  My commentary said, "Predestination refers primarily to what God does to saved people ... This word refers only to God's people... Election seems to refer to people while predestination refers to purposes ... God has predestined our adoption and our conformity to Christ, as well as our future inheritance.  Adoption has a dual meaning, both present and future.  You do not get into God's family by adoption.  You get into His family be regeneration ... Adoption is the act of God by which He gives His born ones an adult standing in the family ... so that we might immediately begin to claim our inheritance and enjoy our spiritual wealth ... the future aspect of adoption involves our glorified body we will have when Jesus returns."

He has accepted us.  "We cannot make ourselves acceptable to God, but He by His grace makes us accepted in Christ.  This is an eternal position that will never change."

Paul also lists blessings we receive from God the Son:  He has redeemed us, forgiven us, revealed God's will to us, and made us an inheritance.  "We are valuable to Him.  Think of the price God paid to purchase us and make us part of His inheritance!"

Paul then listed blessings from God the Holy Spirit:  He has sealed us, indicating a finished, authentic transaction, and He has given us an earnest, just like earnest money in a real estate transaction.  "The Holy Spirit is God's first installment to guarantee to His children that He will finish His work and eventually bring them to glory."  My commentary says that in these verses we are taught that true riches come from God, all of these riches come by God's grace and for God's glory, and that these riches are only the beginning.  There is always more spiritual wealth to claim from the Lord as we walk with Him ... these riches were planned by the Father, purchased by the Son, and presented by the Spirit.  There is really no need for us to live in poverty when all of God's wealth is at our disposal!"

Father, thank You for these reminders of what is already available to me as Your blood-bought adopted child.  Thank you for planning to adopt me before the world was created!
Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford

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