My commentary entitled this section, "Read The Bankbook," because Paul wanted each Christian to discover how rich we are in Christ and to understand those riches so that we can use them to the glory of God. It was much more than knowing about faith toward God and love toward men.
He prayed for our spiritual perception and real Christian character. "He prayed that God would reveal to them what they already HAD." There were four requests Paul asked of God in this prayer for enlightenment and Paul had to get them to understand that the inability to see and understand spiritual things is not the fault of the intelligence but of the heart. The eyes of the heart must be opened by the Spirit of God before these four requests can be granted:
First, that we might KNOW GOD: Left on our own, we'd move "from willful ignorance of God to idolatry to immorality and indecency. It begins with an unwillingness to know God as Creator, Sustainer, Governor, Savior, and Judge... Since we are made in the image of God, the better we know God, the better we know ourselves and each other. It is not enough to know God only as Savior. We must get to know Him as Father, Friend, Guide, and the better we know Him, the more satisfying our spiritual lives will be."
Second, that we might know GOD's CALLING: "Paul wanted us to understand the hope that is ours because of this calling ... it's assurance for the future... the fact that we shall one day see Christ and be like Him should motivate us to live like Christ today."
Third, that we might know GOD's RICHES: "This does not refer to our inheritance in Christ, but His inheritance in us. This is an amazing truth -- that God should look on us as a part of His great wealth! ... God deals with us on the basis of our FUTURE, not our PAST ...we Christians live in the future tense, our lives controlled by what we shall be when Christ returns."
Fourth, that we might know GOD's POWER: "What good is it to have wealth if you are too weak to use it? ... By nature we Christians are too weak to appreciate and appropriate this wealth, and to use it as it should be used ... Also, there are enemies who want to rob us of our wealth... Paul wanted us to know the greatness of God's power so that we would not fail to use our wealth, and so that the enemy would not deprive us of our wealth."
"The power of the Holy Spirit, through the resurrected, ascended Christ, is available to all Christians -- by faith... It is grace that supplies the wealth, but it is faith that lays hold of the wealth ... today, begin to know by experience God, His calling, His riches, and His power."
Father, so often after reading this, I feel like a child ignorant of my Father's wealth. Thanks for opening the bankbook today and not only showing me the
balance, but for helping me see how to
access Your wealth and the
reason You want me to access it -- to glorify You!
Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford