Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Jeremiah 12 -- Jeremiah's Question and God's Answer

Jeremiah admitted that God is always right.  But he had a question about God's justice:  why are evil people prospering?  Particularly, he wanted to know why "God could permit the false prophets and unfaithful priests to prosper in their ministries while he, a faithful servant of God, was treated like a sacrificial lamb," my commentary said.  "How could a holy God of love allow such a thing to happen?"

I loved God's answer!

"God's reply to Jeremiah, however, wasn't what he expected.  God's focus was not on the wicked; it was on His servant Jeremiah.  As most of us do when we're suffering, Jeremiah was asking, 'How can I get out of this?'  But He should have been asking, 'What can I get out of this?'  God's servants don't live by explanations; they live by promises ... laying hold of God's promises will build our character and make us better servants."

God gave Jeremiah three important truths, my commentary said.

"First, the life of godly service isn't easy; it's like running a race.  Second, the life of serve becomes harder, not easier.  Thirdly, the life of service gets better as we grow more mature.  Each new challenge helped Jeremiah develop his faith and grow in his ministry skills.  The easy life is ultimately the hard life, because the easy life stifles maturity, but the difficult life challenges us to develop our spiritual muscles and accomplish more for the Lord ... You don't build character by being a spectator.  You have to run with endurance the race God sets before you and do it on God's terms.  It was the answer Jeremiah needed.  He needed to be braced, not pampered... Progress is leaving things behind us.  Growth is leaving things inside us ... God couldn't force His servant to grow.  Only Jeremiah could make that choice by staying in the race, accept new challenges, and thereby maturing in the Lord."

Wow, I needed to hear that today, Father!  The race has gotten long, and my legs are starting to feel like jelly.  The finish line seems out of sight.  Stress is really ratcheted up, too.  Thanks for growing me in You through all of it.  Help me not to give up or bail out on You.  I too need to be braced, not pampered.

Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford

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