Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Jeremiah 1 -- Getting Called

How incredible it must have been when Jeremiah heard God say to him, “Before I made you in your mother’s womb, I chose you.  Before you were born, I set you apart for a special work.”

When Jeremiah answered with, “I am only a boy,” God said, “Don’t say, ‘I am only a boy.’  You must go everywhere I send you, and you must say everything I tell you to say.  Don’t be afraid of anyone, because I am with you to protect you.”

Then, amazingly, the Lord reached out His hand and touched Jeremiah’s mouth.  I can’t imagine what that must have felt like!  He put him in charge of nations.  A boy! 

My commentary said the task ahead would be demanding and the times were difficult.  People rebelled instead of being obedient.  There were attempts at reformation, but there was no true repentance, and kings were driven by politics instead of principle.

Jeremiah was doubtful.  “He hesitated as he looked at the work before him and the wickedness around him, and when he looked at the weakness within himself … When it comes to serving the Lord, there’s a sense in which nobody is adequate … Not that we are sufficient of ourselves … our sufficiency is of GodWhen God calls us, He isn’t making a mistake, and for us to hesitate or refuse to obey is to act on the basis of unbelief and not faith.  It’s one thing for us to know our own weaknesses, but it’s quite something else for us to say that our weaknesses prevent God from getting anything done.”

“God knew Jeremiah, God chose him even before he was conceived … then God formed Jeremiah and gave him the genetic structure He wanted him to possess … The Lord knew what He was doing.  What we are is God’s gift to us; what we do with it is our gift to Him.”

“Jeremiah was set apart by the Lord and for the Lord even before he knew the Lord in a personal way!”

Jeremiah received three instructions from the Lord.  “Go where I send you, speak what I command you, and don’t be afraid of the people.”  “Then He added the great word of promise:  Jeremiah had to go where God sent him and speak what God told him to speak.  He also had to believe God’s promises and prove it by not fearing the people.”

“Jeremiah accepted God’s call.  He knew his own deficiencies, but he also knew that God was greater and would enable him to do the job.”

Father, please work in my life, despite my own deficiencies, and use me in whatever way You choose.  I trust You, God!

Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford

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