Thursday, June 2, 2016

Luke 8:1-21 -- The Sower And The Hearer

Jesus was showing His disciples “how to get faith and use it in the everyday experiences of life … faith comes through receiving the Word of God into an understanding heart … Everybody lives by faith in something or someone … The difference is in the object of their faith, for faith is only as good as the object.”

Hearing means listening with spiritual understanding and receptivity … The sower represents any of God’s people who share the Word of God.  The seed is that Word of God … But the seed can do nothing until it is planted.  When a person hears and understands the Word, then the seed is planted in the heart.  What happens after that depends on the nature of the soil.”

The hard soil:  Illustrates “the person who hears the Word but immediately allows the devil to snatch the seed away.”  The soil is hardened by foot traffic (the word used means wayside).  “Be careful who is allowed to walk on your heart.”

The shallow soil:  Illustrates “an emotional hearer who quickly responds to the message, but his interest wanes and he does not continue.”

The crowded soil:  Illustrates “the individual does not repent and weed out the things that hinder the harvest.”

The good soil:  Illustrates “the individual who hears the Word, understands it, receives it within, is truly saved, and proves it by patiently producing fruit.”  The fruit might be winning others to Christ, money given to God’s work, good works, Christian character, and praise to the Lord, my commentary added.

“It is a serious thing to hear and understand the Word of God, because this puts on us the obligation to share that Word with others.  Everyone who receives the seed then becomes a sower, a light-bearer, and a transmitter of God’s truth.”

“And we must practice what we learn.”

Father, help me to hear in the right way, not simply just marking my Bible and taking notes, but really putting into practice what I learn.  Help me to be a sower for You.

Your Brother In Christ,

Gary Ford

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