Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Luke 12:22-59 The Other Two Warnings For Believers, and the One for the Unbelievers

Yesterday my commentary mentioned 4 warnings to Christians from Jesus.  This morning, I read about the third and fourth:

Worrying:  Faith is always tested… Our word worry comes from a word meaning to strangle … Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow; it empties today of its strength.  It gives us a false view of life, of itself, and of God … We get so concerned about the means that we totally forget about the end, which is to glorify God … Worry blinds us to the world around us and the way God cares for His creation … He encourages us to trust Him and cooperate with Him in using the abilities and opportunities that He gives us … How can we witness to a lost world and encourage them to put faith in Jesus Christ if we ourselves are doubting God and worrying?”

There was also a warning from Jesus to us about carelessness.  He wants us to be expecting His return.  My commentary told of a pastor who used to ask, “Do you believe that Jesus is coming today?”  If they said no, he would then say, “Then you had better be ready, for He is coming at an hour when you think not!”

As to the warning he had for the crowds, my commentary said, “If people were as discerning about spiritual things as they are about the weather, they would be better off!  This crowd could predict a storm, but it could not foresee the coming judgment.”

Included in His warning was one about having diligence.  “Anyone will do whatever is necessary to stay out of prison, but how many people will apply that same diligence to stay out of hell?”

Father, again, thanks for the warnings Jesus gave us as believers, and thank You for these very helpful warnings for nonbelievers, too!

Your Brother In Christ,
Gary Ford

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