Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Jude 1-25 Watch Out

Jude, Jesus’ half-brother, was led by God to write words of warning about false teachers in the church who were gaming the system by using God’s grace as an excuse for sexual sin.  Church members were “making themselves filthy with sin … These people speak against things they don’t understand … They have fought against God.”

Jude described them further:  “These people complain and blame others, doing the evil things they want to do.  They brag about themselves, and they flatter others to get what they want.”  They were letting desires turn into actions rather than snuffing out evil thoughts, and they were causing division in the church.

Jude’s solution?  “God is strong and can help you not to fall.”  He tells us to remember God’s Word, to build our Christian life, to exercise spiritual discernment, and to commit ourselves to Christ.  “Like the young man who falls in love and marries, and is no longer interested in his old girlfriends, so the believer who keeps himself in the love of God, caught up in the glories of the Savior, will never want to turn to Satan’s substitutes.  You don’t have to stumble,” my commentary said.

Father, help me to keep myself in Your love, never wanting to turn from it for Satan’s deceiving substitutes.  Don’t ever let me buy the lie again.  Keep me from stumbling.

Your Brother In Christ,

Gary Ford

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