Monday, December 29, 2014

1 John 4:12-21 In Him and In Us

This section has a lot of “in us” and “in Him” phrases, and I remember years ago how tough it was to figure out what was actually being said.  It’s all about God’s abiding in us.

“God has said something to us, and God has done something for us … The third great fact is God does something in us!  We are not merely students … or spectators … we are participants in the great drama of God’s love,” my commentary said.

“God now reveals Himself through the lives of His children.  Men cannot see God, but they can see us.  If we abide in Christ, we will love one another, and our love for one another will reveal God’s love to a needy world.  God’s love will be experienced in us and then will be expressed through us …  The world will not believe that God loves sinners until they see His love at work in His children’s lives … The more we love God, the more we understand the love of God.  And the more we understand His love, the easier it is for us to trust Him.”

My commentary also talked about loving people with wrong motives.  Our love should happen because God loves us and not because we are trying to appear super spiritual.  “Unless we love the lost, our verbal witness to them will be useless … Too much witnessing today is a mere mouthing of words.  People need an expression of love.”

Father, it’s taken me years to start seeing Your love perfected in me, and I know You’re not nearly done yet.  Thank You for driving home what I’ve known for years – that people don’t care how much You know until they know how much you care.  Let my love for them be real and reflect Your love for them shining out through me.

Your Brother In Christ,

Gary Ford

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