Friday, November 7, 2014

Micah 3-4 -- The Hazards Of Not Listening To God

The religious and civilian leaders of Israel were leading them to sin.  Their false prophets were about to see their visions grow dark.  They were making them up anyway, seeing good things for those willing to pay them and calling for holy wars against those who wouldn’t.

Although God was promising them that they’d go into captivity for their willful sinning and rebellion, He also promised that one day the Temple Mount would be miraculously raised up and even Gentiles would come to hear what the Lord would say.  Nations would stop fighting wars or even training soldiers.  There will even be an end to terrorism and the fear it causes.

There were so many promises of God taking action Himself in these verses – gathering, keeping alive, making strong, bringing together.  If people can’t see God at work today, they certainly will at that time.  Right now, “They don’t know what the Lord is thinking; they don’t understand His plan.”  But someday they will, and they will be amazed.

Father, I think back to how I used to wonder why You’d left and were no longer at work in the world, but You’d blinded my eyes, just as You did theirs, until I returned to You.  Now I see You at work every day.  Please help others to do the same.  Show up and reveal what You are doing so that people everywhere will look up to You and know You are the Holy God.

Your Brother In Christ,

Gary Ford

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