Tuesday, November 25, 2014

2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 What's Coming

Someone had tried to make these believers believe that they were already in the Tribulation.  Paul had to correct their thinking by telling them everything that must happen before then, including the rapture of the church.  It would sure shake up any Christian who thought he’d missed the Rapture!

My commentary spent a lot of time pulling in material from other books of the Bible regarding that time.  I saw several things of importance to consider:

“Paul taught a sobering truth:  a person can so resist the truth that he finally becomes deluded and has to believe a lie.  There can be no neutral ground:  either we believe the truth or we believe a lie.  To reject the truth means to receive the lie … What is the lie? … Satan first spoke it to Eve:  ‘You shall be as God!’ The lie is the idea that man is his own God and therefore can do whatever he pleases and better himself by his own human efforts … ‘Now you are somebody important!’ ‘Worship and serve the creature rather than the Creator.’ This is Satan’s lie, and I fear it is what rules the world today.  God originally made man in His own image.  Today, man is making God in his own image.”

Many years ago, a friend introduced me to New Age material, and this is exactly what it is all about.  It appeals to an elitist, intellectual side of each of us, and tries to make us believe that we’ve discovered something that few others have.  It’s dangerous and can easily cause a Christian to lose his way.

Father, thank You for rescuing me from Satan’s lie.  Thank You for not giving up on me when I did not want to have a thing to do with You.  Your mercy and grace pulled me back into Your fold.  Thank You for enabling me to help others find their way to You as well.  I’ll never be able to do enough to thank You for Your love!

Your Brother In Christ,

Gary Ford

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