Thursday, March 20, 2014

1 Corinthians 13 -- Not The Usual Take

Well, my commentary’s take on this was not at all what I was expecting! 

“Few chapters in the Bible have suffered more misinterpretation and misapplication … Many people fail to see that Paul was still dealing with the Corinthians’ problems when he wrote these words … The only way spiritual gifts can be used creatively is when Christians are motivated by love … The Corinthians were impatient in the public meetings, but love would make them longsuffering.  They were envying each other’s gifts, but love would remove that envy.  They were puffed up with pride, but love would remove pride and self-vaunting and replace it with a desire to promote others … Forgiveness means that we wipe the record clean and never hold things against people.”

Instead of what they were doing to upset the ministry that was going on, Paul told them that practicing love would enrich and build up the ministry, causing it to endure rather than fading from the scene.  Thinking about this in relationships, it’s easy to see, for a lack of love would soon cause a relationship to fade as well.

Paul told them that many of the spiritual gifts would fade away, particularly when Christ returned, since they wouldn’t be needed.  But what would be left would be the three Christian graces – faith, hope, and love – and we can’t neglect them at all.

Paul had emphasized unity and diversity, and now maturity, and my commentary said that maturity comes through love.

Father, such timely words this morning!  Help me to apply them in my own life and with those I love.

Your Brother In Christ,

Gary Ford

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