Tuesday, March 18, 2014

1 Corinthians 12 -- The REASON For The Spiritual Gifts

My commentary said that the Corinthian church members had been given many gifts of the Spirit, but they had problems which had several causes.  “Some of the members were grieving the Holy Spirit by the carnal ways in which they were using the spiritual gifts.  They were like children with toys instead of adults with valuable tools, and they needed to mature… The gifts are given for the good of the whole church.  They are not for individual enjoyment, but for corporate employment….”

Paul also wanted them to understand that every believer received the baptism of the Spirit at conversion.  “The filling of the Spirit had to do with the Spirit’s control of our lives.  To be baptized by the Spirit means that we belong to Christ’s body.  To be filled with the Spirit means that our bodies belong to Christ.”

The church needs to have unity, but diversity is very important, too.  “Unity without diversity would produce uniformity, and uniformity tends to produce death … However, if diversity is not kept under control, it could destroy unity … It is maturity that balances unity and diversity, and that maturity comes with love.  It is not enough to have the gift of the Spirit and gifts from the Spirit.  We must also have the graces of the Spirit as we use our gifts to serve one another,” it said.

Father, thank You for emphasizing our part in the body of Christ.  No Christian was ever meant to be alone, but instead in fellowship with other believers.  Show us how to work together to glorify You.

Your Brother In Christ,

Gary Ford

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